The executive education programme aims at supporting executives by enhancing their understanding of advanced, practise-orientated pricing concepts and strategies, in particular through the discussion of many current case studies covering a wide range of industries.

The executive education programme features specialised topics such as luxury pricing and price wars as well as general ones like current pricing methodologies and pricing communication strategies. In particular, active participation via discussions, team problem solving and applying the course material to an array of current cases dramatically increases the educational value.

Typically, participants can directly implement some of the suggestions immediately when returning to their companies. Our goal is to empower participants to:

  • Think differently about pricing and be aware of the options a company has when pricing products and services
  • Implement some concepts right away when returning to the company
  • Become familiar with the more technically challenging aspects of pricing

After attending this course, executives will be able to:

  • Analyse customer needs and assess alternative pricing methodologies
  • Understand the concepts and implementation of various pricing strategies
  • Combine pricing and revenue management strategies to optimise the firm’s revenue
  • Evaluate whether additional investment in IT infrastructure could significantly improve the company’s pricing strategies

Other Key Skills to be learned in this course include:

  • Setting prices at levels that maximise profits
  • Measuring the customers’ willingness to pay – and learning how to shape their willingness based on the value created
  • Understanding which costs are relevant to pricing decisions
  • Anticipating competitive moves and designing your strategy accordingly
  • Maximising revenue based on market segmentation and the value that each segment perceives in the good or service
  • Approaching pricing decisions from the standpoint of customer lifetime value
  • Understanding how to price products across the entire line to maximise overall profitability
  • Identifying key leakage points between the list price and the realized price – and methods to reduce the leakage
  • Maximising the profitability of negotiated pricing deals

Click here to request a detailed brochure including a full sample timetable of the programme.